Part 47: Mission 19 - Judgment at Dusk - Part 1
Here we are again, and weve just lost both Kouichi and Moritsugu theyre not available in our units list. The Deceive is deploying as an event unit, though, so we adjust accordingly:
Liu Bei/Sun Quan
Guan Yu/Eida
Kazuki/Zhang Fei
Tactician: Zhuge Liang
Here we go.

: Hayase! Can you hear us, Hayase?!

: Still nothing
we really cant get in touch with him. My guess is the Linebarrels comm systems are being blocked.


: Hey, Yamashita
was it really Moritsugu who did him in?

: Yeah
I made it over to their fight and saw everything

: Moritsugu cut down the Linebarrel and left with it!
Like so!

: But why

: Theres only one possible answer: Mr. Moritsugu was the spy leaking JUDAs classified data to Kiriyama.

: No way! Hed never betray us for him

: I understand how you feel, but we need to consider the facts
like, for instance, how he and Kiriyama have apparently been friends quite a while.


: Gah, first Ylbora and now him? The hell is up with those guys?!

: But, if anything, we know that Ms. Kizaki is doing fine, so I think we can presume that Kouichi also is.


: Hm? How do you figure hes safe because she is?

: By rights, Machinas only have one Factor thats a pretty universal rule among them

: But the Linebarrel is unique in that both Ms. Kizaki and Kouichi are its Factors.

: Oh, thats right. Machinas and the Factors share their lives, so

: If anything happened to Kouichi, itd also affect Emi due to their link with the Linebarrel.


: But is it really
that big of the deal that the Linebarrel has two Factors?

: As I remember, the Deceive also has two people piloting it, no?

: Sure, but that was a later modification that Mr. Maki made to the cockpit.

: Put it simply, a Machina having two folks inside is a whole different animal from it having two Factors.

: Hmm, yes, I can see why the Linebarrel is said to be special.

: But, in any case, this is still a very difficult situation we find ourselves in.

: Damians out looking for Kouichi, so I guess all we can do right now is wait until he calls back

: (

: Ah, the Linebarrel
Excellent work, Reiji.

: Please, it wasnt any trouble.

: What a reliable man you are, Moritsugu.

: Now we just need to pry open the cockpit and drag the Factor out
Cockpit opens!*

: Haaaah! Moritsuguuu!!


: Ooh.

: Are you feeling better after that, Hayase?

: Wh-Why didnt you try to dodge it?!

: Alright, settle down, little Hayase.

: Whore you?!

: Eiji Kiriyama, president of Kiriyama Heavy Industries.

: Youre

: Easy, now. Before you get any ideas of punching me, Ive something you should see.

: Thats
my house! And Risako, and Domyojis

: You can see where this is going, yes?

: Whether your dear friends and family are still alive in the next hour is entirely up to you.

: Youre scum! What the hell are you after that youd do something like this?!

: The Japanese people now look at JUDA Corp. and see it, and the UX, as a threat to their peace. And so my company a company that personifies JUSTICE steps into the limelight, ready to stand up to that threat!

: Well answer their worries and calm them down by bringing JUDA squarely under our control plus the UX and the alien mechs, of course.

: Personifies
justice? Is that a joke, you sleazebag?!

: Hmhmhm
Not at all. I
am a Champion of Justice

: And I already have enough power to back that up, see!

: Th-Those eyes are
Cut to the Federation Parliament, the footage of the UX attacking the Martian Development Bureaus units is making quite the splash with the generic members. The Elshank and its forces really ARE invaders! As the Union president watches in silence, Hazard says this proves that our people are openly acting against the Federation! Does Ronin still dare say that the Elshank and its people are friendly?!
The generics are buying it, and one of them says they cant ignore JUDA either that company is the UX and aliens co-conspirator. The parliament must endorse Kiriyamas request and have the Federation Army send troops to help subjugate JUDA!
Klaus speaks up, asking everyone to calm down: its far too rash to mark JUDA as hostile with no other evidence than Hazards footage. Shirin agrees, and adds that she suspects said footage to be a fabrication from the Martian Development Bureau. Hazard objects to her nonsense and demands she present proof.
Well, surely hes heard that Shirin and Marina were attacked by terrorists not long ago, yes? He does and remembers that the UX were behind it. Only, no, Marina says that the UX and Celestial Being were the ones who
saved them from the attackers. Moreover, they have the testimony of one of the captured terrorists, who stated that the ones who orchestrated the attack was
The terrorist you speak of committed suicide in his cell yesterday, Hazard cuts in. And we have his last words on record: We were under the UXs orders
Such guilt he felt over his crimes. The UX are truly a monstrous lot to have pushed a man over the edge like that.
Shirin can do nothing but grit her teeth, as Hazard exhorts the parliament to make a decision. Surely they can see that evil forces like JUDA and the UX cannot be tolerated anymore, lest the Earth Sphere further plummet into chaos!
Hester speaks up, agreeing with Hazards point and declaring that JUDA Corp. must be disarmed immediately. A wise decision and, on that subject, Hazard also suggests that they send official investigators after Orb: Cagallis ties to the UX can no longer be disregarded as mere rumors, no?
And, for that matter, shes
coincidentally absent today. Where could she have run off to? Id like to propose a Federal Inquiry be opened in regards to Ms. Cagalli Yula Athha!
Klaus groans that they got completely outplayed by Hazard, whos now vying to oust Cagalli from power with that Inquiry. Ruri and the others had thought it best for her to hide, out of concern for her safety, but her absence today backfired massively.
As Ronin knows, Hazard and co. are planning to get the ball rolling on their reform of the Federation Army with JUDA and Orb getting taken out of the picture and, if successful, therell be no one capable of opposing them. Is there nothing Marina and the others can do? For now, Shirin says, all they can try is to stall the establishment of the Inquiry commission.
Ruri herself will work the financial angle, getting in touch with all the various companies that support the various members of the parliament and try to get them to help us out. They need to buy as much time as can be to put together our counteroffensive against Hazard.
From what Klaus has heard, the Union President has an agent, Axel Hughes, conducting an investigation into things, but theres no telling if that will find enough to sway the parliament. Shirin figures our best shot right now is Alex Dino heres hoping hell make it in time
In the EU Route, Shirin says Axel told her hed be coming to Japan to try and gather more info. Hell let her know if anything turns up, but the question is whether or not thatll happen before its too late
Alex is still their better shot, though we dont know how much hell be able to prod the PLANTs into action.)
Cut back to JUDA, Shirin informs Ishigami that they couldnt stop the Federation from joining on the operation to subjugate the company. Still, hes already grateful that they even tried. Shirin isnt throwing the towel just yet, though: theyll consolidate their efforts and stand against Hazard and co. as best they can. With wishes that she doesnt do anything crazy, Ishigami ends the call.
Seems like Kiriyamas attack on us is already a certainty and folks the world over will be joining in on the fun. Things are looking dire to Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu: whether we win this or not, well be enemies in the eyes of all of society. Why?! We have done nothing but fight for the sake of the people! Liu Bei and Sun Quan are pissed, but it doesnt change our situation.
Kurara watches on and, inwardly, doesnt think were being untruthful. At the rate this is going, though, well go down as villains anyway.
In the EU and JP routes, Zhang Fei/Kenji ponders that maybe Moritsugu saw this coming and decided to make a run for it. Guan Yu/Sakura slaps him upside the head, telling him to mindful of other peoples feelings (Yamashita). In the US route, Erebos sighs that this is just the time when Moritsugud be real useful if he was still around; Lux chides her tactless insinuations, but she wasnt trying to insinuate anything
Regardless, the question remains: if Moritsugu did turn against us, how are we going to fight him? The guy is crazy strong, as everyone remembers.
Yamashitas been quiet all this time and while Shizuna understands that he took quite the heavy blow, he cant stay bummed out forever. Yamashita shushes everyone as it turns out, he was actually poking at Moritsugus personal computer, trying to restore the purged data.
Too much about this whole thing strikes Yamashita as weird. What does he mean? Wasnt he the one who saw Moritsugu beat and take Kouichi away? If you ask me, Hayases the one confusing me the most, Yamashita says. Domyoji can see what he means: as hotheaded as Kouichi is, its very odd that he didnt even contact us after Moritsugu turned traitor. While he
was fighting the guy, he could still have sent us an emergency transmission.
Do they mean Kouichi intentionally didnt contact us? Did Hayase
want to lose and get captured? Kizaki wonders. Thats a possibility that Yamashitas considering, which is why hes probing Moritsugus computer for any clues.
And hes got something! What is it? We dont get to find out yet, but it sounds like it explains much.


: What the hell are you thinking, Moritsugu
Door opens.*

: Hello there. Ive your meal.

: You
You were with Moritsugu and Kiriyama

: Oh my, did you forget about me already? After everything weve been through? Youre breaking my heart

: Huh
?! Wh-What are you talking about?!

: Hmhmhm, my voice still doesnt ring any bells

: Ho

: Waaah! You! Youre with the Katou Organization! Whatre you doing here?!

: A woman has plenty of secrets, you know. Here, have a little somethin somethin.

?? Whats this?

: Oh, you were just so cool and manly when you punched Moritsugu

: So I figured Id bring you a small treat for that.
She leaves.*

: A treat

: I-Investigation Report Reiji Moritsugu

Good luck to you, then. Make sure the entire world gets to see all of JUDAs plans.

: I will, and thank you for your support of the medias work.
Kiriyama leaves.*

: You sure about this? I really dont like obeying that shifty-looking fella.

: Oh, its fine. You never know what might be waiting around the corner

: Huh, feeling pretty peppy today, arent we?
US route only:

: Besides, thisll help us inch closer to the truth, too.

: Agent Hughes has already started his investigation here in Japan, so we should do some work of our own.
Back to common ground:

: If only those guys were around right now

: What guys

: Eerr
Wait, who was I talking about?

: Hahah, are you feeling alright? Have I been working you too hard?


: (Whats going on
? I feel like Im forgetting something really important

Yes, the people at JUDA are objecting to that footage as a fabrication.

: No, from what I saw of them, I wouldnt say theyre lying

Roger that. Ill carry on with my investigation.

: Hmhmm, so your gut tells you theyre innocent?



: Hey, hey, a guns no way to greet a person. Isnt that right, Ms. Hiromi Tachi of JUDAs secretarial staff?

: Or perhaps I should call you Ms. Kurara Tachibana of Metro PDs public safety division?

Who are you?

: A professional colleague, you might say. At the very least know that Im on your side.

: And why did you reach out to me?

: Im just trying to figure out the truth. The world depends on it, you know.

: So I figured that, maybe, youd be keen on a little intel exchange?


: (His bearing
hes a trained man. He must be with some intelligence agency
and, if so, there might be no harm in talking with him.)

: Its not too great for us to stand out here talking, I think. How about I get you something to drink? I know a great coffee place not too far from here.

: Fine. But if you ever approach me from behind again, youll be getting a bullet instead of coffee.

: Ill keep that in mind.

: Damn it, I dont have time to be twiddling my thumbs here

: I gotta get out and tell everyone about this
Door opens.*

: Yo, Kouichi. Youre doing okay, I take it?

: D-Damian
?! How did you get here

: What do you mean how? I used to roll with the Martian Guerilla, remember? I could sneak in here blindfolded.

: But never mind me. Ive got something important to tell you.

: Something important

: Yeah, those folks Kiriyama had watching yours, Risako and Domyojis homes? JUDAs intelligence departments taken care of em.

: Really?! Ah, thats a relief...

: But
how did you know they were watching our homes? Or that I was locked away here, even?

: Yamashita poked through Moritsugus computer and what he found in there explained pretty much everything.

: On Moritsugus...? Then that file was right and he really is

: Kiriyamas already starting his attack on JUDA, meaning he and many of his troops are headed that way. Your orders are to trash this place while theyre gone.

: Trash this place
What, just me?

: Nah, relax. Youll have a real powerhouse of a partner and hell be here any second now

: Waaaaaaah! Th-The hell

: *cough, cough*...! Making your entrance by busting through a wall
overkill much?
SRW UX - Linebarrel (Full Intro)

: Thats
the Vardant?!

: Apologies for the delay, Hayase

: Apologies
? Wait,
youre that powerhouse partner he mentioned

: I did open up saying you were going to have to fight with me, no?


: Argh, you little
If this is what you mean, you shouldve said fight
together with me, dang it.

: Hah

: Theres a whole lot I want you to explain, but that can wait til later

: Im really ticked off today, and I feel like going ballistic around here!

: Come, Linebarrel!
Mission 19 Judgment at Dusk

: Alright, boys and girls, I do hope youll put up a good fight. This
is my TV debut, after all.

: Its that unit that attacked around my village

: So its the Katous up first, huh? Battle stations, everyone!

: We can easily handle their Armas with our Nerve Crack!

: Right on, dont cut em any slack! Give those guys a real nasty one!

: If I may hazard a guess, the Katou Organization is likely only trying to stall us until Kiriyama and the Federations forces arrive.

: Troops, try and preserve as much resources as possible in anticipation of enemy reinforcements!
Kill everything, dont lose the Deceive or a ship. Same fight weve had with Yulianne already but, as Kongming said, well have more stuff incoming. Same map as the previous mission, so have fun driving your guys across that bridge again.
As usual, just be mindful about Yulianne debuffing your armor and everythingll be fine. If I wasnt recording convos, this is precisely the moment where Id send the Fafner kids up top and let them all take kills for their secrets.
SRW UX - Linebarrel

And right on the next enemy turn
Over by Tokyo, Aois watching Isabelle report on the battle between JUDAs mechs and the troops sent after it.
All this robot-on-robot action is giving her some major déjà vu, as Isabelle relates that JUDA Corp. has, indeed, shown itself to be a front for a terrorist organization! Urgh, Ive got nothing
! Why do I always have this nagging feeling that Im missing something?! Aoi groans. Just what is this unease Im feeling in my heart
SRW UX - The Gate of Neidhöhle Opens
SRW UX - Life Goes On
SRW UX - Linebarrel

: Hell are you doing here?! Did the Katou Organization sign up as Kiriyamas goons now?!

: That would be telling. A bit of mystery adds to a womans charm, you know.
SRW UX - LOVE 14 ver. HD

: How about I teach you what human sensuality is about, robot girl?

: Um, no, I t e n d to pass on people that are full of themselves, thanks.

: You cheeky
SRW UX - The Eternal Soldiers

: Oh, dear, so its not a demon today but the big, bad devil? Maybe you could go a little bit easy on me?

: Do what now? Who dya think youre talking to, eh?

: If you think batting your eyelashes at the devil will give you an edge, prepare to be disappointed!
SRW UX - Linebarrel

: You figure you can take us on with the Linebarrel and Vardant gone, granny?!


: You call a lady a granny, you better be ready for the consequences

: This should be good enough, I think

: Now lets just hang back and see how things pan out.

: That looks like the last of the Katou Organizations Armas, but

: Right. Now comes the main event

: Were picking up several heat signatures on radar! Theyre headed this way fast!

: There he is

: Time to roll up the sleeves and get to work. Lets see how youll fare against the Jinrais and my Machina, the Pretender.

: A Machina
?! Eiji Kiriyamas a Factor too?!

: Im starting to get the picture
He built the Jinrais around his Machinas tech.

: Now how about we get this Christmas party started?!

: Aaaah!

: Hrk
Damn, the folks piloting them Jinrais have been
really well trained!

: N-No, thats not it! Theres
Theres no one aboard those!

: Huh
?! Do you mean those

: Are all being remote-controlled

: Hah, now aint that some good news! If thosere drones, we just gotta take out their control systems

: Ah, I get it. Well use the Nerve Crack to overload them with fake inputs

: Oho, I dont think so.

: U-Uwaaaaaargh! My
My arms!

: Whatre ya on about, Izuna?! Your arms are fine!

: Wired Nerve Cracks are so passé. They dont hold a candle to wireless ones.

: What

: Let me spell it out for you. My Machinas called Pretender, but thats just something of a codename.

: Its actual name is
Deceive IV!

: De-Deceive
?! Then that attack just now was

: W-Wireless
Nerve Cracks!

: What will you do now, my friends of JUDA? If you choose to surrender, thatd be fine

: But, personally, Id much rather you kept on fighting just so everyone could see what miserable fools you are!

: Not good
! All troops, cover the Deceive! Cut the enemys party short!
And now we get to walk aaall the way across the pond again to make it to Kiriyamas posse. The Jinrais, of course, are made of studier, dodgier and stronger stuff than the Katou Armas, but theyre ultimately still mooks. Make good use of Luca, Yamashita and whatnot to boost your numbers if you wanna really play it safe and command auras arent cutting it.
The Deceives immobile thanks to Kiriyamas attack and losing it means a game over, but thats only a problem if youd let it parked by JUDA, whereupon the enemy can reach it in decent time. I brought it all the way to attack Yulianne, so its far out of Kiriyamas range.

Pretender (Eiji Kiriyama)
Pilot Skills:
Prevail L4
Support Attack L2
All Attack L1
Hit & Away
Mech Features:
10% HP Regen
Kiriyamas voice actor: Sho Hayami
Kiriyamas actually a dang good pilot, with a special focus in accuracy and evasion (though, like Masaki, his stats arent as absurdly high as they were in L). The Pretender itself is rather dodgy and offers decent range, though his best is only 1-3; mind you, what you really wanna watch out for are his 2-6 Nerve Cracks, whichll apply morale and SP down, and HALVE all your stats. Thankfully, its accuracy modifier is only +10.
Being evasion-focused, however, means the Pretender isnt too bulky and will easily fall in a single round of concentrated fire just avoid rolling the dice with some liberal Strike/Focus casts.
SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend

SRW UX - Obelisk
Alto sets it up with his Beam Cannons, and Kiriyamas prized prototypes catch a bad case of leekage.
SRW UX - Obelisk

: Ho-hum, is that really the best youve got

: This is bad
! We gotta turn this around or


: Damian, how are things going over there?

: We pretty much have taken over Kiriyama Heavy Industries!

: The Linebarrel and Vardant are leaving right now theyre headed your way as fast as can be!

: Theyre leaving only
Howre they gonna make it in time?!

: S-Sis
take the Deceives controls

: Huh? Whatre ya up to, Izuna

: Were not winning this by being picky with our options

: And in that case

: Gaargh

: You shot the Nerve Cracks into yourself
?! But if you do that!

: Look at that
Thrown caution to the wind, have we?

: He wants to overwrite the enemys mental attack with one of his own?!

: But thats too much for anyones mind! Izunall

: F-Forget about me
We need to
keep this place safe

: B-Besides
Im sure that Hayase
will come help us

: Izuna, you

: Lets go
Izuna: You say wired Nerve Cracks cant beat wireless ones
? How about we put that to the test?!
Kiriyama: Huh
Thats surprisingly good for an antique

: He used the Nerve Cracks to control the downed Armas

: Whoa, they can actually fight like that?!

: Do you see it now, Kiriyama?! Theres some lag to your wireless Nerve Cracks, but not in my direct connections! Its
you who cant beat me!

: You know what? Youre starting to annoy me

: So how about I wrap this up right now?!
Kiriyama flies straight southwest!*

: ?! Stop him! Hes targeting Mr. Ishigamis office

: What

: No
were not gonna make it!


: Aiiieeeee!

: Bye-byeee!

: Hayase